среда, 1 января 2020 г.


Just the link in Powerlink i have been trying looking in there but to no avail. Lately, this case has increased a lot and all the root cause for this is native path not configured properly. My problem is that it takes too much coordination and time spent with each Admin to get them to run the grab utility on each of their servers and have them each send me the Grab output for each host. A scheduled script is certainly simple enough on Windows, ESX and any Linux variant and should be straightforward on most others. You will have to write the script yourself for each platform, test that it works and ensure that they run properly without any interaction. emcgrab windows

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Improving the question-asking experience. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. But how would they automate that?

Server Fault works best with JavaScript enabled. Does anyone have a strategy or suggestion on how to make this process easier??? Sign up using Email and Password. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. I need to know what is the simplest way to accomplish this task because the difficulty is that I have these servers with 10 different system admins for all these servers.

This is too much work for one storage admin to supervise since I have to email them the grab program with instruction. My problem is that it takes too much coordination and time spent with each Admin to get them to run the grab utility on each of their servers and have them each send me the Grab output for each host.

EMC Grabs Report Downloads Links | Windows Administrators Complete Blog

Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. If anyone has any samples on how to write that script please do share. By using our site, you acknowledge that windoas have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service.

emcgrab windows

Emcgrqb like your idea of having the groups make it a habit of running grabs on a routine basis. Post as a guest Name. You will have to write the script yourself for each platform, test that it works and ensure that they run properly without any interaction. It only takes a minute to sign up.

EMC Grabs Report Downloads Links | Windows Administrators Blog!

Just the link in Powerlink i have been trying looking in there but to no avail. You are unlikely to get anything to work if you have ESXi though and since VMware are moving solely to that model for the Hypervisor on windosw future versions you might want to look at other ways of getting that data for them. I will very much appreciate a help!

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Sign up using Facebook. Is there a script that easily be written on each host to run the emc grab weekly and dump it somewhere?

Email Required, but emccgrab shown.

emcgrab windows

Server Fault is a question and answer site for system and network administrators. To ensure this becomes less of an issue you could make the scheduled task a pre-requisite for having any SAN storage provisioned in future but that's not really going to help you now. Active 9 years, 1 month ago. Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: We have been frequently receiving issue related to one path going invisible. I request somebody help me finding the steps.

Then I have to make sure they each send back the grab output file to me to upload the result to EMC.

Sign up to join this community. A scheduled script is certainly simple enough on Windows, ESX and any Linux variant and should be straightforward on most others.

EMC Grabs Latest Versions Direct Download Link for Windows & Unix flavours

Asked 9 years, 1 month ago. Lately, this case has increased a lot and all the root cause for this is native path not configured properly. How do we handle problem users?

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