среда, 1 января 2020 г.


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GeoPlaces v4 – create an even better city guide with WordPress

Since the themes are so different upgrading will be a bit of a challenge. With this current version, how do we make the changes? Manage categories, views, comment count, etc. The next version of GeoPlaces will run smoother and come with less everything.

January 6, at 9: I did a quick test of both and the UI widgets plugin seems to be working. June 30, at Thank you for the answer. October 2, at 6: March 1, at 6: Did GeoPlaces v4 meet thrme hopes and expectations?

Geo Places v4.2.2 - Templatic Premium Wordpress Theme

Click here to purchase the theme Better monetization — make even more money GeoPlaces v4 takes monetization on a whole new level with features like recurring payments and price packages. February 29, at 6: You can mention the other listing in the description — or create a custom field. You can access it here: Sites like YELP run on custom coded systems that took thousands of theke to develop.

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How do I make it so that only registered members can post a place tneme event? March 31, at 3: Related content Drop the exit rates and increase engagement through the related content block. Expect to hear from me via email in the next few minutes.

Geo Places v4 Wordpress City Guide Theme for Google Maps, Add Reviews & Ratings

With this City Directory theme, you get access to the theme guide. The event post links to the Peddler Village home page.

Gelplaces static page is a really nice new addition in V4, thank you. October 20, at 2: March 2, at 2: January 7, at 2: August 24, at 8: This wizard will guide you and automatically prepare and set up the required elements, and even populate your site with sample data.

September 28, at 8: Try activating the stock Twenty Eleven theme.

geoplaces v4 theme

Is it possible to change the purchased pack to city guide? March 2, at 4: Hi Ian Yes, we have a complete tutorial for upgrading to GPv4. To get some support regarding this create a thread in our forums.

March 27, at 6: March 8, at Hi George No, there is no such functionality feoplaces GeoPlaces.

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